Our university is currently facing an academic scandal that is unprecedented in the history of collegiate athletics.
We have an entire academic department accused of widespread cheating designed to keep some of our student athletes eligible for competition. The actions of a single department have brought shame and embarrassment onto the entire UNC community.
Every single UNC degree will now be questioned and doubted by potential employers and other universities throughout the nation.
The scandal has damaged the reputation that we all hold so dearly, the idea that we can be one of the best schools in the country while simultaneously having successful athletes on and off the field.
We have seen what has occurred at Penn State when an administration delays action; we as a university must be proactive.
UNC needs to eliminate the entire African and Afro-American studies department, sending a clear message that any form of cheating will not be tolerated by anybody at this great university.
It has become clear recently that multiple faculty members in the African and Afro-American Studies Department committed academic fraud.
I would ask that the University treat the offending department the same way that it would punish a student caught blatantly cheating multiple times.