UPDATE: A representative from EPA provided the statement below.
“EPA is one of many federal departments and agencies, in addition to other research institutions, that conduct or support research with human subjects under the governance of the Common Rule. All human exposure studies conducted by EPA scientists are independently evaluated for safety and ethics, and the results are peer-reviewed. The Department of Justice is representing the United States in the litigation and further inquiry regarding the case should be directed to them.”
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is being sued for performing unethical human testing on UNC’s campus for several years.
The EPA has been accused of exposing human subjects to lethal air pollutants at the its Human Studies Facility, located on Mason Farm Road.
The motion hearing will be held today in Virginia. The American Tradition Institute, an environmental think tank, is the plaintiff, suing the EPA for failure to protect the human participants by informing them of harmful risks.
The institute also aims to force the agency to cease current experiments. Steve Milloy, publisher of junkscience.com and a member of the institute, said he found reports of these experiments occurring on UNC’s campus from as early as 2004.
Jennifer James, spokeswoman for UNC Health Care, said in an email that no University researchers took part in the experiments.
“While this facility is physically located on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill, it is leased and controlled by the federal government, and is not ‘part of the University,’” she said.
But because the EPA’s facilities were technically on UNC’s campus, the studies had to be reviewed and approved by UNC’s Biomedical Institutional Review Board, said David Schnare, director of the institute’s Environmental Law Center.