On March 10, Andrea Pino was sexually assaulted at UNC by a fellow student.
She was left partially conscious, and could not declare identifying factors of her assailant, but she was able to utilize UNC’s system of anonymous reporting, created in 2009 by another survivor, Annie Clark of the class of 2011.
While at UNC, Annie witnessed the hostility and stigma surrounding reported interpersonal violence and decided that survivors needed another reporting option.
In addition to creating the “Box Project,” she advocated for the interpersonal violence prevention coordinator position and for broad policy change.
Annie approached Dean Melinda Manning in 2010, who was seemingly the only ally wanting to work with her for change.
Now, Andrea has since discovered that the environment and treatment of survivors is not better, but has instead worsened. Annie and Andrea have met survivors who were directly abused by the University case process.
In hearing these stories and others, Annie and Andrea have been made aware that administrators have been silencing survivors, limiting their support, criticizing their accounts and keeping the greater community unaware of the reality of sexual violence at UNC.
These administrators were the principal contributors in the writing of the new sexual misconduct policy.