Stipends and student loans might not go far when a student faces an emergency.
With this in mind, former Graduate and Professional Student Federation President Michael Bertucci and former GPSF Secretary Jim Grinias came up with the idea in 2012 to create a safety net.
Current GPSF President Kiran Bhardwaj has made their vision a reality — this October, the fund opened online.
“It’s difficult sometimes, financially, for graduate students to get by,” Bertucci said.
The initial fund had $25,215 and the guidelines for applying were modeled after the Dean of Students’ emergency fund.
“It’s often really a close call sometimes to get by month to month on those stipends. We thought it would be really great if we could start an emergency fund for one-time unexpected emergencies,” Bhardwaj said.
Such emergencies include essential household expenses, travel or unexpected funeral expenses due to a death or illness in the immediate family.
“We’ve been seeing applications and the stories that students are telling are really compelling,” Bhardwaj said.
“It’s just luck sometimes that makes it really hard to be able to get by financially … so the hope is to try to make it possible for students to flourish despite that bad luck.”