I wonder what the editors of The Daily Tar Heel were thinking when they allowed the following comment to be published in a recent Kvetching Board: “Uggs and yoga pants WITHOUT a scarf? Get your crap together, white girls.”
Whatever that comment was driving at, it is shockingly disappointing that The Daily Tar Heel would publish such a scathingly and inexcusably racist remark.
Imagine the fallout if the word “white” were substituted by a word denoting a different color.
How many shop windows would be smashed on Franklin Street, cars overturned and burned, police pelted with rocks and Molotov cocktails!
Racism by anybody toward anybody of any color is racism — pure and simple.
Hopefully, the author of that racist comment, tinged also with sexism, if not outright misogyny, will now retract their comment, apologize and repent.
Likewise The Daily Tar Heel — for accepting, publishing and promoting racism.
Anthony Khoo
Graduate student