The Carolina Black Caucus is putting pen to paper to show its support for UNC administrators and the African-American community.
The caucus issued a statement Feb. 1 in response to ongoing controversies about the academic abilities of student-athletes.
“The caucus is making a statement showing support for our University in light of the media inaccuracies, in light of the frustration and hurt felt by students, staff, faculty administrators. And so the caucus decided to respond to the public,” said Deborah Stroman, chairwoman of the Carolina Black Caucus, in an interview .
The caucus is made up of administrators, staff, faculty and a few graduate students, she said.
In the letter, members expressed support for black students, coaches, faculty and alumni along with administrators and the Department of African, African-American and Diaspora Studies.
African studies professor Reginald Hildebrand said he supports the statement but is not taking anyone’s side.
“The efforts to support student-athletes and others, particularly students of color, and be seen as full members of this community without impuning them, is an important statement that we have to make,” he said. “On the other hand, if there are needs that have to be addressed, that needs to be addressed.”
Sophomore Toyah Johnson said the statement was refreshing.
“It’s just kind of an introduction as to what we go through. I think it’s good that it doesn’t attack the University because, I mean, we all love the school; we’re all here. I think it just highlights issues without attacking,” she said.