In response to Sean Langberg’s letter “Abortion letter was ignorant and harmful”:
Let me say first, as a pro-lifer, that I would never support Meredith Hunt’s tactics of publishing the names, photos and vehicle information of pro-choicers. And as someone who has personally known the last 5 years’ worth of Carolina Students for Life presidents, I want to assure the DTH readership that CSFL would also never engage in such reprehensible and undignified tactics.
I also agree with Mr. Langberg’s contention that genocide is an unhelpful word when discussing abortion, but for different reasons. He’s quite right to say that there is no “group of mothers campaigning to kill all unborn children” and that next to zero women seek abortions “out of hatred for the fetus.” The reason for this, though, is that many people nowadays don’t recognize the pre-born child as a true human person yet, or at least claim that such a child isn’t entitled yet to the same human and civil rights as the already-born.
If more people would open an embryology textbook and learn on page 1 that, as Ms. Hunt states, “Every person’s life begins at fertilization,” and if those people still supported elective abortion at all stages of pregnancy as U.S. law currently does, then we could plausibly talk about the word genocide. But to describe our nation’s current habit of discarding one out of every three pre-born children because we don’t see their humanity for what it is — I don’t think the English language has invented a word for that yet.
Ross Twele
Graduate Student