Kyle Seager, former North Carolina baseball player and current Seattle Mariners third baseman, was named to the 2014 American League All-Star team on Monday — becoming the eighth Tar Heel to be named to an All-Star roster.
Summer sports editor Pat James talked over the phone with Seager prior to Tuesday's All-Star game in Minneapolis, Minn. about being named an All-Star, his UNC career and what's ahead of him.
DAILY TAR HEEL: What was your initial reaction when you first heard you were named to the All-Star team?
KYLE SEAGER: It’s awesome. It was kind of shocking, to be honest with you — something I wasn’t expecting. Just a very humbling experience, to be named in the same group as those guys is phenomenal.
DTH: What do you think it will be like when you walk on the field on Tuesday night?
KS: I have no idea. It’s one of those things where I don’t think it’s completely set in yet. I know I made the team. I know I’m going to be there. All of the travel arrangements and all of that stuff is taken care of.
But I think once I’m actually there and walk through those clubhouse doors and see your name up there with the likes of your Jeters and all of those guys, it’s going to be an absolute pleasure for me.
DTH: How big of an honor is it for you to be only the eighth Tar Heel named to an All-Star team?
KS: That’s something I was actually thinking about the other day. That’s an extremely big honor. To think about all of the great players that have come through that program and all of the success they’ve had, it’s kind of amazing, and it’s very humbling to be a part of that group.