Seniors Roderick Gladney and Amber Majors are working to alleviate hunger on campus by starting a food pantry called Carolina Cupboard.
The pantry’s kickoff week will be Oct. 20 to 24 and will include opportunities for students to learn about food poverty in the college setting.
“It’s an issue regardless of whether people know about it or not,” Gladney said.
The pantry will be in the basement of Avery Residence Hall and officially opens Oct. 24.
Gladney reached out to Majors with the idea because of her experience with social justice issues, especially food security.
“Food security is basically — in the sense of Carolina Cupboard in particular — the sense that everyone feels they have enough to eat throughout the day and that they’re not maybe going to class hungry or going to sleep hungry,” Majors said.
In the 2013-14 academic year, about 60 students qualified to receive aid from the University’s emergency fund, which gives up to $500 to those who are in desperate need, Gladney said.
“I know I had some classmates that actually applied for food stamps because even with their scholarships, they couldn’t afford a meal plan,” said junior Ashlee Hicks.