The collection includes a number of hotels selected by Hilton based on their characteristics and influence in the town where they are located.
The Franklin Hotel will be added to the collection on Dec. 2, but it will still be privately owned and the staff won’t change.
Jay Patel, co-owner of The Franklin Hotel, said he is excited to be included and that the hotel will implement some of Hilton’s programs and business ideas, like the Hilton rewards program.
“This is a collection, so it’s not a full conversion to one of the Hilton brands,” Patel said. “We’re going to join a collection of independent hotels around the country.”
Chapel Hill Town Council member Lee Storrow said The Franklin Hotel has already benefited the Chapel Hill community, and he said he is excited for its selection into Hilton’s collection.
“Partnerships like this provide new marketing channels to a hotel property like The Franklin, and that’s a positive thing,” he said.
He said having the hotel promoted by Hilton while staying independent will be good for the local economy.