A recommendation was made by the town managers of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and the county for the creation, financing and development of the Rogers Road Water and Sewer District. Orange County Manager Bonnie Hammersley sent a memo about the recommendation to involved officials on Sept. 14. Rogers Road is a historically low-income neighborhood that housed the county’s landfill for more than 40 years.
The Rev. Robert Campbell, a prominent leader in the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Association, spoke about the long wait for this recommendation.
“The recommendation would fulfill something that’s been going on for 40 years,” he said.
In exchange for allowing the county to house the county landfill in the Rogers Road community for 10 years, the county officials said the neighborhood would receive water and sewer hook ups.
But the county didn’t just use the landfill for 10 years — it was used for 41 years before it was closed in June 2013.
Campbell said while the neighborhood is happy about the recommendation because it will benefit a majority of the community, there is still a lot of frustration over the recommendation because it took so long in the first place.
“There has been frustration since the early ’80s,” he said.
“Promises were made, and nothing was generated from the promise — of course there was frustration.”