I was recently appalled to read a post on Nancy Oates’ website comparing sexual assault to the way that the Chapel Hill Town Council makes decisions. While trying to learn about the candidates, I came across Oates’ June 29 blog post, in which she suggests that the council acts like a victim of sexual assault in saying “yes” to developers when they really want to say “no.” She goes on to say that we need leaders who have the strength to say “no” even when it’s difficult to do.
As a survivor of sexual violence, I find Oates’ remarks deeply disturbing and offensive. Sexual violence is a serious problem in Chapel Hill and throughout our region. Comparing her disappointment in democratic outcomes to sexual violence cheapens the collective experiences of those of us who have survived and oftentimes continue to struggle.
Oates’ mentality suggests that her priorities are grossly misplaced and that she is out of touch with reality. Furthermore, it makes me seriously question her ability to use sound judgment in communicating respectfully with constituents and fellow council members, as well as her ability to make well-reasoned decisions.
I urge voters to say no to Nancy Oates this election season, and I challenge Oates to volunteer with a group like the Compass Center for Women and Families to see the real impacts of sexual violence. Hopefully then she will see how wrong her offensive remarks are.
Jenny Thompson
Chapel Hill