Fall Break just concluded, and while you still may be a little hungover from the fall-themed parties, it was probably a great step back from all the stresses of school.
As the second half of the semester starts, remember that you don't need a designated UNC holiday to take a break. If school is stressing you out, take some time for yourself.
This board dedicated both editorials today to the topic of self-care. We consider it to be that important.
Maybe you could take a walk or get dinner. Heck, even go back to your childhood days and watch SpongeBob or something. Just take care of yourself.
While you may lose potential work time or face criticisms from your parents who are angry that you are not spending every moment studying, a quick break can be helpful.
People who have taken Economics 101 with professor Rita Balaban may have heard her speech on the diminishing returns on studying. The time spent studying does not linearly correlate with the amount of information you absorb — after a while, you start to slow down to a point where it is not worth it anymore.
Furthermore, breaks can lead to more productivity over time. They guard against information overload and lead to happier, better work.
So take a break, take care of yourself and be positive as we head into the second half of this semester. Remember you can walk away at times and that you have people — like us — who care about your well-being.