If there is someone to criticize for Park Lectures, it’s me. My belief is that a leading school of media and journalism should engage with the people and topics that drive the national discourse.
In fact, before I came to Chapel Hill, before I knew the Parks, I invited Roger Ailes for the April event. Fox News was central in the 2012 election, and I wanted a national player to face off with students.
For years, the Park’s family foundation has supported our school, UNC first generation students, diversity initiatives and veteran’s causes. The foundation has made it possible for more than 450 MJ-school students to earn M.A.s and Ph.D.s in the past 20 years. Through its foundation, the Park family has launched careers and deepened lives. They’ve asked nothing in return.
I give energetic and full-throated support to the DTH to cover what it wants and to write its editorials. And we assert that same right to invite national media players that our students can hear, question and debate -- whether they agree with the speaker or not.
That’s what makes the MJ-school dynamic. I want nothing less.
Susan King
School of Media and Journalism