*The Association of Student Governments: Why Should You Care?* _(spoiler alert: There’s a vote this Friday)_ Understanding student government is always important (they are, after all, addressing issues that directly affect you as a student) — but especially now. Because there is a vote this Friday, Nov. 8th that will gauge student opinion about whether or not UNC-Chapel Hill should stay in ASG. And how can you voice your opinion without first being informed? Watch this video, produced and narrated by staff writer Lindsay Carbonell, to learn about ASG, what it does, and how it affects you. The animation can only be viewed on the computer. So where is your student dollar going? Why do certain members of the UNC Student Congress want to leave ASG? (Wait...they want to leave?) Click "here":http://www.dailytarheel.com/blog/view-from-the-hill/2013/11/527a8a9231706 for an in-depth look at the issues surrounding ASG.