Op-eds and letters to the editor are published in the opinion section of The Daily Tar Heel. Send your submissions to Opinion Editor Conner Foote at opinion@dailytarheel.com.
Please limit submissions to 500 words. The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Submissions are selected for publication at the discretion of the opinion editor.
If you are a student, please include your full name, class year and any majors or minors in your email. If you are UNC faculty, please include your full name and department. If you are not a UNC affiliate, please include your name, town/city of residence and preferred title.
The DTH appreciates contributions from the community and encourages op-ed and letter-to-the-editor submissions. We value the range of opinions and lively discourse that happens in the opinion section of our paper and website and are eager to hear from you.