The Daily Tar Heel
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Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

SEAC, N.C. WARN Clear Up Misconceptions About CP&L Protest

We would like to make some clarifications regarding an article in The Daily Tar Heel on Oct. 17, "Protesters to Meet at CP&L Building." It is important for the public to be aware of the fact that as of now, there are NO open safety and scientific hearings planned for Carolina Power & Light's controversial proposal for expanded storage of nuclear waste at Harris Nuclear Plant near Apex.

On Dec. 7, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will NOT be holding "open arguments for both sides to present their views" as CP&L would like the public to believe. Instead, this will be another legal session where CP&L and NRC lawyers will argue against Orange County that nuclear experts should never have their day in court. Unless Orange County wins this "appeal before trial," top nuclear safety experts, who warn that CP&L's storage plan would substantially increase the risk of a severe nuclear accident, will be forever silenced.

Rather than agreeing to scientific hearings, CP&L uses public relations ploys such as "open houses" and "informational meetings." If they truly have nothing to hide from the public, than why have they used over $2 million and a slew of lawyers to intentionally block all hearings?

These are just a few of the reasons why Student Environmental Action Coalition and a coalition of citizens have begun a campaign of nonviolent civil disobedience as a means to expose CP&L's plans that would put the state of North Carolina at an unnecessary risk.

Nora Wilson


Heather Stuart

N.C. Waste Awareness and Reduction Network

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