I was quite surprised to read your editorial mischaracterizing Sierra Club's support for the candidacy of Attorney General Mike Easley for governor of North Carolina ("Speaking Green," Oct. 25). The Sierra Club enthusiastically endorses Easley, who has made a strong commitment to protecting North Carolina's environment.
It is true that in an earlier story, we expressed regret that environmental issues were not receiving as much attention in the general gubernatorial race as in the primary ("Candidates Slight Environment," Oct. 20). This is especially disappointing to us because the contrast between the two candidates is so sharp. Easley's opponent has taken a negative stand on most of the critical environmental issues facing our state.
But our disappointment that there has not been more focus on the environment in the campaign in no way dims our excitement about Easley's candidacy. We are proud to have endorsed him.
Greg Lytle
Political Chairman
N.C. Sierra Club