Scenarios such as this were discussed at a Duke University forum examining the issues homosexual athletes face and how they cope with them.
About 25 people attended the forum, which was the last in a five-part series sponsored by the Duke Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Life entitled "Out In the Field."
The discussion started with an ESPN video produced by Duke graduate Craig Lazarus entitled "Outside the Lines: The World of the Gay Athlete."
A panel of gay and lesbian athletes, which also included David Lohse, UNC's associate sports information director, then discussed how gay and lesbian athletes can deal with issues such as ostracization from their peers.
Leigh Steinberg, a sports agent who has worked with gay athletes, was interviewed in the video and emphasized that he believes it is easier to market a convicted felon than an openly gay athlete.
Also featured in the video was Greg Condon, a former football player at Troy High School in Troy, PA.
Condon said that his best friend - upon hearing that Condon was gay - called and told him that he wouldn't talk to him at school anymore.
"It was hard to not be phased by anti-gay jokes" Condon added. "Fudgepacker. Faggot. It's amazing how many gay names are out there."
Boky Vidic, a former basketball player at Oregon State University who was also in the video, said she came out during her senior season at OSU.