Neil Pedersen, who has served as superintendent for eight years, was selected by the N.C. Association of School Administrators.
The association consists of a group of Pedersen's peer administrators who chose him out of all superintendents statewide.
"It's certainly a great honor to me and the school district," Pedersen said. "I take it more as a symbol of the quality of work in this district than individual recognition."
Elizabeth Carter, a member of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education, said Pedersen is one of the most humble and modest people she has ever met.
"It's something that's long overdue," Carter said. "(The association) recognizes his accomplishments and achievements and the high goals he set for himself."
Pedersen also will get to compete on a national level in February, when the the American Association of School Administrators meets for their national convention. One person will be chosen as the national superintendent of the year.
School board member Roger Waldon said he believes Pedersen will be a strong candidate, primarily for his work with minority student achievement.
"Student achievement is clearly on the rise," he said.
"SAT scores are just one measure. He has put an emphasis on achievement levels of minority students."