Kirkpatrick's, Chapel Hill's newest bar and formerly Henderson Street Bar &Grill, opened its doors Monday for the first time - sort of.
Tim Kirkpatrick owned Henderson Street Bar & Grill, which closed this summer. Before owning Henderson Street Bar & Grill, Kirkpatrick ran a bar called Kirkpatrick's on Rosemary Street.
Now Chapel Hill is again home to a newly remodeled Kirkpatrick's, this time at 108 Henderson St.
"I just totally renovated the place - ripped everything out and started over new," Kirkpatrick said.
John and Katherine Lindsey, of J W Lindsey, Inc. in Carrboro, designed the new bar and were on hand the first night of business. "Tim had to completely renovate the place, bring it up to code," Katherine Lindsey said. "He did more than he ever dreamed he would have to do. This place was gutted and redone."
The dimly lit bar now has a row of booths lining the windows along Henderson Street. The bar is to the right, which continues straight back to the kitchen. Raised tables fill the middle of the room, and tables line the wall to the right of the door.
The Lindseys had nothing but good things to say about what Kirkpatrick had done with the bar. "To my knowledge, it's the only (Americans with Disabilities Act)-compliant bar in town," John Lindsey said. "That's because Tim wanted it that way."
Kirkpatrick's features a bar designed to be wheelchair accessible.