Upon reading Mr. Monaco's Friday column "Letters from the Hard Drive's Edge," I was appalled and enraged. If Mr. Monaco had a problem with the Residence Hall Association policies and the area director, he should have addressed those problems to the housing association instead of using his column to display a temper tantrum.
What enrages me more than his childish name-calling is his audacity to presume to speak for the majority of Connor Residence Hall residents and all four resident assistants. I have had no problems with any of the HRC staff.
In fact, I think that Ms. Inman has done a wonderful job as area director in Connor, Winston and Alexander residence halls, promoting a sense of community in the area and dealing with problems in a diplomatic and appropriate manner.
In refusing to let Mr. Monaco into the residence halls until they opened at noon, Ms. Inman was doing her job and enforcing well-known RHA break policies.
Ms. Inman sent all HRC residents an e-mail informing them of break policies, including the times that the residence halls would open and close. Mr. Monaco had no right to presume to speak for Connor residents and resident assistants. In doing so, he put an unfair strain on the relationships of all residents and resident assistants with the area director by leading her to believe residents held a hateful opinion of her.
I only hope that the strain that Mr. Monaco has put on the residence community can be reversed.
Katie Good