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Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Candidate Outlines Greek Visions

The second and final candidate for the director of Greek affairs outlined six principles he thinks should guide the future of UNC's Greek community in an open forum Wednesday afternoon.

Steve Veldkamp, who currently serves as assistant director of student activities and leadership programs at Western Michigan University, fielded questions from a crowd of almost 20 people, including Greek alumni and fraternity and sorority members.

The committee charged with the task of selecting a new Greek affairs director will meet Monday and submit their analyses of the two candidates to Cindy Wolf Johnson, head of the committee and associate vice chancellor for student affairs.

Former Director of Greek Affairs Ron Binder vacated the post, which he had held for six years, in mid-October.

Veldkamp emphasized the importance of having a Greek system that maintains high ideals for its members. "If I would ask any Greek sitting here to repeat their creed, it would almost bring a tear to their eye," he said about the ideals that Greek organizations should strive to attain.

Veldkamp fleshed out his vision for attaining these goals by discussing the six elements of a successful college laid out by Dr. Ernest Boyer, former president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

The elements include a commitment to education and promoting a just Greek community in which all segments of the system work together, Veldkamp said.

He said fraternity and sorority members should be allowed to have input about how their organizations are run. "(Greek organizations) are set up to give students an option to vote and make decisions."

Two more of Boyer's elements, discipline and caring, explain why higher expectations should be placed on Greeks compared to other students, Veldkamp said.

"There are expectations for when you join a Greek organization," Veldkamp said about the need to engage in disciplined action.

The final element in achieving a top-notch Greek system is praising chapters that are doing well and identifying those that could improve, Veldkamp said.

Former Interfraternity Council President John Gardner said the committee will discuss both candidates Monday but does not plan to make a selection.

The committee originally set a Feb. 1 deadline to complete its selection, but Wolf Johnson, who could not be reached for comment Wednesday, has said in the past that the original deadline might be overly optimistic.

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