I must voice the particular offense I took to Scott Rooker's editorial cartoon "Frat Boy Action Figures" published in the Jan. 25 paper.
As a member of the Greek community, I laugh at the majority of the DTH cartoons that poke fun at the "fratty" style.
However, the line between opinion and defamation must be respected.
At first glance Rooker's cartoon appeared just as harmless as any other, until I reached his caption: "Jeep and cocaine sold separately!"
I feel Rooker has crossed the aforementioned line!
Rooker could have substituted a number of relevant qualities such as "frat flops, bow ties, or Oakleys sold separately."
Instead, he opted for a low blow, thus shifting his theme from humor to malice.
I dig my "fratty" style, I like my Croakies (by the way, there's an "a" in Croakie), and I love my Jeep.
However, I do not condone the use of cocaine.