The Daily Tar Heel
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Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Expanded Bus Service Needed So Students Are Not Passed By

The campus U-bus service is woefully inadequate. I am not an economics major, but the simple principles of supply and demand would suggest that if a company wanted to optimize its profits when demand was high, they might see if they could increase supply.

Now, the U-bus is not a profit-driven organization, but it seems that a light should go off in someone's head when 20 or 30 people standing outside Chase Hall and Ehringhaus Residence Hall are left in the cold as an already dangerously filled bus passes by without being able to stop.

A committee needs to be formed to study the peak hours of bus usage and determine ways to alleviate this problem. More buses can be put on the routes during heavy travel times or the University could invest in larger, double-decker or double-length buses that some other schools have.

In any event, we are all smart enough to figure out some way to get enough bus service for the students that need to use it.

Student Congress -- what can we do to start addressing this problem?

Matthew West


Biochemistry and Statistics

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