I am writing because I would like to ask The Daily Tar Heel for help informing the campus as well as to invite you to participate. Given the large number of people breast cancer has and will one day affect on this campus, I sincerely believe that this three-day effort has potential to not only educate students about breast cancer risks and precautions but also to save lives.
Please attend and share with others, as I would greatly appreciate your help in making this potential a reality.
The following are events planned:
Day One (Tuesday) -- Awareness Day. Pamphlets and information on breast cancer will be available outside the Student Union in an attempt to educate students and faculty about breast health and cancer. The information is provided by Kappa Epsilon fraternity, the American Cancer Society and the Cornucopia Support Center.
Day Two (Wednesday) -- Breast self-exam educational outreach and panel discussion. Kappa Epsilon fraternity will be on campus to give a presentation and answer questions on breast health, self-exams and mammography. This will be at 2 p.m. in Union 208. The panel discussion will be at 7 p.m. in 209 Manning Hall and will feature women who can relate their knowledge or experiences with breast health and cancer.
Day Three (Thursday) -- Benefit concert. There will be free pizza and a free concert. Various performing student groups will host a benefit concert with the proceeds from donations going to towards the Cornucopia Support Center, a local cancer support organization. The concert will include performances by Ebony Readers, Onyx Theater, Que Rico, the Loreleis and Hip Hop Nation. This will be at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union Cabaret.
For more information on any of these programs or how to help, please contact me at hashk@bschool.unc.edu or 914-2254.