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Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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WSSU to Search for Chancellor After All

Last week WSSU Board of Trustees members submitted a proposal to UNC-system President Molly Broad asking her to name Martin, who has held the post for a year, the permanent university chancellor.

But the Board of Governors code requires that a national search be conducted for any open chancellorship and a minimum of two candidates be submitted to the system president. The UNC-system president then nominates a chancellor from the submitted names, who is then approved by the BOG.

"There is no alternate way to proceed," said BOG member John Sanders. "The search will go through the procedures prescribed by the university code."

Broad said that Martin is a very strong and overwhelmingly qualified candidate, but there is a need for a national search to uphold the integrity of the school and the office of the president.

"As president I have the authority to name the interim chancellor but if I then named him as permanent chancellor, it would bypass all campus processes," Broad said.

Broad said Martin is supportive of the national search, although he has openly admitted that he will accept the position if he is appointed.

"I approached him and said we could go to the legislature and ask for an exception to the law, but he said no, he wants to be named chancellor of WSSU in the same manner as every other chancellor," Broad said.

Broad said she has received several informal comments from individuals and local corporations in the last week emphasizing Martin's strengths and the campus' regained health and stability.

Although there is wide support for Martin, Broad said that WSSU will conduct a fair and legitimate search.

"It will be an openly competitive search, and we will make it clear that there is an internal candidate that sets a very high benchmark," Broad said.

A committee headed by BOT chairwoman Brenda Diggs will conduct the national search. The search committee will be composed of trustees, faculty, students, alumni and local representatives.

Diggs said he does not know how long the search will take, but that the BOT already has taken steps toward publicizing the position. "We hope to step through the process as expeditiously as possible with respect to the procedure."

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