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Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Congress Allocates Part Of Remaining Funds

The $2,673.75 distributed by Congress will fund campus groups such as Queer Network for Change, Bounce magazine, the Ballroom Dance Club and the Korean American Students Association.

Finance Committee Vice Chairman John Vollmer said the Finance Committee agreed to vote favorably on these bills after meeting Monday night for about four hours.

Vollmer said the committee had to eliminate several requests because more money was requested than Congress has in its budget.

"About 125 percent of what we had left was requested," he said. "We had a whole lot of money requested. We cut a whole lot out."

Bounce magazine, a new publication on campus, will receive $888. Representatives from the magazine said it will provide humor and political satire about events both at UNC and around the world.

Congress voted to fund three issues of the magazine, with 3,000 copies of each.

QNC will receive $220 to fund the publicity, equipment rental and technical fees for a drag show involving professional drag queens. It will be held in the Union Auditorium in March.

KASA will use its $915.75 to host Korea Night on Feb. 24, which will include a professional fan dance.

Congress restored money to the UNC Ballroom Dance Club that had been cut by the Finance Committee.

The club originally asked for $1,200 to pay for advanced dance lessons for club members. This was reduced to $350 by the committee, but the Congress voted to restore $300 of this funding. The Ballroom Dance Club said it could raise the remaining $500 to $600 itself through the two fund-raising events it has planned.

Three nonfinancial bills also were passed. Freshman Kelly White was appointed the chairwoman of the Student Safety and Security Committee.

Congress amended the student elections procedures to address the possibility of a candidate for a student government office declining the position. If this happens, a special election open to the entire student body will be held.

The last bill approved an appointment to the Committee on Student Conduct.

Student Body Treasurer Patrick Frye said he thought the Finance Committee acted fairly in allocating the money. "I feel that we treated all groups with the same sort of scrutiny as we have over the course of this Congress," Frye said.

He said that even with the additions by the full Congress, he is satisfied with the amount of money spent. Frye said, "They acted well within their discretion."

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