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Fever Picks Chaney for CAA Post

Hostility filled the audience in Gerrard Hall as Chaney and his opponent, Michael Songer, debated the merits of giving basketball tickets to Fever during a forum sponsored by Fever.

Songer plans to revoke the 169 tickets Fever is given per game to distribute among its members, while Chaney would keep the current ticket policy in place.

Chaney's platform was met with great support by the many Fever members who attended.

"I feel that the amount of support they give at these basketball games is tremendous, and they deserve these tickets," Chaney said.

But Songer said taking away the seats now given to Fever would increase the number of seats available to the student body. "I firmly believe that every student at the University of North Carolina should have an equal opportunity to go to men's basketball games," he said. "I would like to convert Carolina Fever to a true spirit and support organization."

Frustration permeated the audience as Fever members fired questions at Songer about his plans to raise support for olympic sports.

Fever Co-chairman Eric Ellis said Fever members endorsed Chaney because they feared that revoking the group's tickets would decrease its membership and also because they felt Chaney performed better overall at the forum. "Throughout the entire forum, (Chaney) seemed more practical," Ellis said.

But Songer said he plans to market Fever as a group that supports all olympic sports and provides them block seating at football games.

Chaney said the number of basketball tickets allotted to Fever members is appropriate to maintain interest in and competition within the group.

"I believe that Fever ... plays a huge roll in olympic sports on this campus," he said.

"I think it would be very disappointing to see Fever done away with, not only for olympic sports but for the University as a whole."

The candidates also discussed other issues on their platforms, including promoting olympic sports, easier ticket distribution and Homecoming.

Chaney said he plans to employ a five-point marketing plan that uses a listserv, CAA Web site, newsletters and sports tickers to spread news and publicize events. He also said he plans to distribute bracelets in the Pit and mark students' names off a master list from the Registrar's Office to eliminate cheating.

Songer said he plans to stagger ticket distribution so students will not have to wait in long lines.

He also plans to promote interest in Homecoming with a "big name, big-time concert event and a block party on Franklin Street."

The University Editor can be reached at

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