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Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Pulling Support for Scouts Won't Fix Issue, Will Make Second Wrong


I am responding to the "Pull Your Support for Boy Scouts" column by Cameron Mitchell on Jan. 26.

I can honestly say I understand your plight in wanting to end discrimination against all people.

However, by asking people to pull their support for the Boy Scouts, you're doing more harm to the young men and boys who choose to participate in the Boy Scouts.

Ever heard the saying "two wrongs don't make a right"?

Furthermore, I must say I am so sick and tired of everyone fighting for some cause by always comparing their discrimination matters with that of blacks.

Now you yourself call your sexual orientation a "preference," which indicates a choice. You say this throughout your column.

Now I don't recall there being a time that a person being black was a choice.

Basically, we're born with the skin we're in.

Now, I don't know of anything that has been discovered that proves the practice of homosexuality to be anything more than a choice.

If there is, correct me if I'm wrong. For me, to use the discrimination that blacks have faced in comparison to something you deem a "preference" is trivializing the magnitude of the discrimination that blacks have faced in this country.

Connie Whitener


Political Science

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