He questioned whether I still believed in Trinh's innocence, if I still thought he should be acquitted.
Well, I did, I do and he has.
Early last Thursday, the appellate tribunal of the Honor Court dismissed the case, finding that his rights had indeed been violated and he got screwed because of it.
This is the best news I've heard all year. Too bad it came four months later than it should have.
But despite recent calls by the chancellor and other honchos that Honor Court reform is necessary, despite the decision handed down by the tribunal that says plainly that the court goofed, Student Attorney General Taylor Lea stood by the court, acknowledging no wrongdoing. "Our office handled the cases in the most appropriate manner that was possible, and nobody's rights were violated without their consent," she told The Daily Tar Heel.
I'm glad Lea and friends can sleep the slumber of people who don't know the Honor Court is broke. Because they are the only ones not trying to fix it.
As of late, several students who received guilty verdicts are appealing, and this time, some of them aren't taking the Honor Court defense counsels that were passed out the first time.
Enter the Independent Defense Counsel, founded by Billy "The Kid" Hashemi.
Some of you might wonder why we need more defense counsel characters on this campus. Those of you who saw the Mike Trinh trial don't. To refresh and recap, the people who defended Iron Mike couldn't argue themselves out of a paper bag. Before the court clowns deliberated, it was Mike's own words, not his attorney's, that did him a shred of good.