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Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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Student Legal Services Answers Housing Questions

Student Legal Services is a University-run group of three lawyers that exists solely to aid students.

Student Legal Services might have the answer.

UNC's legal services handles cases in which students feel that landlords or third parties are responsible for wrong-doing. SLS is a University-run group -- consisting of three lawyers -- with the specific purpose of providing legal assistance for students.

SLS Director Dorothy Bernholz said the office was started by students to serve the University community. "We were founded by students who wanted their own lawyers," she said. "We serve over 2,000 students per year."

The legal services are made available free of charge to full-time students by funding from student fees.

SLS handles divorces, consumer problems, elimination of criminal records and fender-benders, but Bernholz said students who are having housing problems including property damage or contract violations often visit their office.

"(Housing incidents) are the largest percentage of problems we handle," she said.

Bernholz said students having problems with their landlord should review the terms of their apartment lease.

"It is often a matter of contract," she said. Bernholz said the two parties must follow the written agreements in the lease, and if a landlord does not cooperate, then SLS comes to the students' aid.

Property that is damaged can sometimes be recovered if it can be proven that the landlord has been negligent or is responsible for the damage.

For example, Bernholz cited a case in which a resident had complained to his landlord about a lack of lighting in the apartment's parking lot. When the resident's bicycle was stolen from the lot, the landlord was held responsible.

SLS helped the student win reimbursement.

Bernholz said SLS will not hesitate to take cases to court, but they initially file letters of request -- stating the problem and asking for reimbursement -- which are usually accepted by the landlords.

She also said students should take preventative measures to avoid these situations.

"When you sign a contract, know what you are signing," she said. "The quick handshake is not a good way to do business."

Students in need of legal advice should call SLS and make an appointment, Bernholz said, at which time they will be able to talk to one of three attorneys. Students should also prepare a written statement of the problem at hand.

Bernholz explained the foundations of SLS' legal procedures. "We offer preventative legal advice -- what you should sign and what you shouldn't sign," she said.

At the same time, she said they do not shy away from legal action. "We absolutely go to court all the time."

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