Staff Writer
A recent strengthening in the relationship between Appalachian State University's campus police force and local law enforcement is cleaning up the school's campus and, in the process, littering students' criminal records.
As a result of a recent increase in the cooperation between the ASU campus police force and local authorities, 11 current and former ASU students have been arrested on drug-related charges in the past six weeks.
But the elevated drug patrol on campus is not necessarily a result of students' increased drug use.
"Actually, our (drug) statistics were down last year, but we wanted to make sure there wasn't any prolific use of hard drugs," said ASU Police Chief Gunther Doerr.
Along with marijuana, the recent arrests have uncovered several harder drugs, including cocaine, LSD and Ecstasy.
Bob Shaffer, ASU's associate vice chancellor for public relations, said the presence of outside law enforcement forces is nothing new.
"Our campus forces have been working with local authorities for about five years," said Shaffer. "This is just an extension of what we've been doing during that time."
But the level of cooperation between the different departments is something new.