Now that the race for office is over, Student Body President-elect Justin Young is shifting his focus from snazzy campaign gimmicks to creating a smooth transition into his new office.
His transition period will involve thinking about what he plans to accomplish as well as creating a good team to work with in making those goals a reality.
"My short-term goals are establishing a diverse, creative Cabinet, and not only a good Cabinet, but also a diverse and creative office in general," he said.
Young said he plans to recreate and restructure the office in an attempt to fulfill the promises made in his platform.
The most important platform goal to Young is establishing the Student Empowerment Endowment, to which he will donate his student body president stipend and raise more funds to encourage student initiatives.
When questioned about his Cabinet candidates, Young was reluctant to make any specific decisions.
"I have thought about a few people, but the positions are open to everyone," he said.
"I encourage everyone to apply."
Young said applications for Cabinet positions as well as the positions of student body vice president, secretary and treasurer are available on the student government Web site at