Rudy Kleysteuber will serve as student body vice president, Kativa Parker as treasurer and former Young opponent Dustyn Baker as secretary in the 2001-02 Cabinet.
The selected candidates will go before Student Congress on Tuesday for approval.
The new officers have a history of leadership at UNC. Kleysteuber, a junior biology and philosophy major, is co-president of the Campus Y and a member of the Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor. Parker, a junior philosophy and political science major, served as assistant student body treasurer in Brad Matthews' administration. Former student body president candidate Baker, a junior communications major, also served in the Matthews administration as an executive assistant before resigning to enter the student body president race.
Young said he is excited about the new officers and the diversity of the Cabinet. "It makes me happy that they are all overqualified for their positions and are creative, enthusiastic people," he said.
Young said one of the things he looked for in applicants was the willingness to take on the spirit of the new student government that he spoke of in his campaign. "The roles (officers) will take on are defined, but I want them to have the freedom and initiative to define what they want to do in their positions as well," he said.
Baker said she also thinks that the group's biggest strengths are its differences. "One strength (of the new officers) is diversity, not just ethnicity or background, but experience," said Baker, who endorsed Young after she was defeated in the first election. "People aren't just coming from a Suite C perspective."
Congress member Sarah Miller, who sat in on the interviews for student body vice president, said one of the criteria for the officers is past leadership, either in student government or other campus organizations. "What we looked for is someone who has experience and is competent and well-versed," she said.
With a new group of officers, Young said he is ready for the year ahead. "I can't stress enough how excited I am," he said.
"I'm really looking forward to next year and all the possibilities."