1 1/2 Stars
Who says comedy is easy?
When you have the ability to make fun of stroke victims, homosexuals, incest, people with artificial limbs and cows, funny just comes naturally, right?
Wrong, and in the newest bummer produced, but not directed by those darn Farrelly Brothers, funny only comes few and far between.
Director J.B. Rogers, who has filled the role of assistant director for the brothers' past successes ("Dumb and Dumber" and "There's Something About Mary"), should have followed the other golden rule often learned during the childhood years: If you can't do something right, don't do it at all.
The setup had Springer promise. Boy meets girl, has sex with girl, finds out she's his sister. She flies the coop and finds another rich, nonrelative boyfriend, he gets branded the "sister banger," and then he finds out they weren't related at all.
"Say" has the look and many of the same actors of the other far more amusing Farrelly Brothers films, but its leads and propensity to sell a joke for way too long make watching the film a chore rather than a joy.
Chris Klein plays Gilly Noble, a charactor that seems to have worse luck than Joseph Forte during a tournament game. But while Forte has proven that he can play at his whim, Klein really doesn't seem like a funny guy. Wooden, yes, but funny, no. Common movie knowledge would require a mildly funny actress to lead Klein along by his nonfunny leash. Who else do they get but Heather "Really, I'm Smart in Real Life" Graham? Right.