I choose not to read Cosmopolitan or watch MTV because I do not find their information appealing. While I may find insight in an article or two, the overwhelming content of the magazine and the shows are driven by sex, selfishness and downright sin. My only way of protest is to simply not purchase or endorse the magazine or watch MTV.
So, when I choose to pick up The Daily Tar Heel and read it, I'm endorsing it. I'm saying I believe the content of this newspaper is worth my time. I'm picking it up assuming I will encounter a decent source for viable information about our school and surrounding community as well as stimulating, intellectual, opinionated views. However, I might as well have been reading Playboy when I read Mr. Mitchell's column in Friday's Opinion page.
Whatever Mitchell's sexual identity or weekend activities may be, I do not think a newspaper column in a well-respected, community newspaper is quite the right venue. To be confused about life and sexuality is nothing new to young college students attempting to find their identity, but to be so proud of your immorality and total lack of respect for the beauty and intention of sex is repugnant. I am offended by your distasteful and graphic comments, which by the way, offer no entertainment, no insight, no encouragement, no valuable anything. I think heterosexuals and homosexuals alike gain nothing from your column. Please recognize your audience, and respect those who, unlike you, value God-designed sex and heterosexuality.
Julie Mancuso
Public Relations