Student body president candidates this year displayed humor and resorted to gimmicky platforms to entice the otherwise passive student to take concerns to heart. There is no need to rehash the most important issues, as these are the ones dealt with each year.
I have concerns about a Feb. 19 editorial entitled "Two-Ply Platform," The statement, "Because two-ply is twice as thick as its inferior counterpart one-ply, it stands to reason that you only need to use half as much," lacks in all realms of logical reasoning.
When one uses toilet paper one is implementing surface area. The larger this surface area, the greater the wiping potential.
One square of two-ply is the same size as one square of one-ply, thus possessing the same wiping potential, Knowing this, two-ply then uses twice as much paper!
In addition I am relieved to know SHIT (Student Heels In need of Toilet paper) will be addressing rape and safety on campus and increasing the usage and efficiency of the mass transit system by allowing only one more parking deck. So SHIT, my ASS (Area Seeking Softness) thanks you!
Charlie Trakas
Computer Science and Classics