Students can try to gain positions on the various committees and boards that make up the 146 available external positions of student government. Applications are due this Thursday.
Student Body Vice President Rudy Kleysteuber said the external positions are a way for normal students to participate in behind-the-scenes activities at UNC.
"We try not to make these the kind of things that will eat up someone's life," he said. "They don't have to live at student government. They can be regular students who want to contribute.
"We ask that they give regular reports, check up to see if they are going to their meetings and regularly communicate with them."
Kleysteuber said there are a variety of groups students can serve on depending on their interests. The committees range from significant responsibilities like the Buildings and Grounds Committee to less intense committees, like the Student Stores Advisory Committee.
"We probably have anywhere from 50 to 70 different committees, boards and groups that students can serve on," he said. "I think these positions are an amazing opportunity for people to see how things really work. There is a lot going on here."
Kleysteuber said the process of finding students who are willing to give the necessary commitment has been going on for a few weeks, and he has answered many e-mails.
The selection process involves processing the applications and interviewing prospective candidates.
"We read the applications, bring them in for an interview with me and some members of the Cabinet and take the students who impress us with their passion," he said. "We also want students who are articulate and can show some knowledge of the subject they are involved in."