I was disappointed, yet not surprised, that some on the DTH staff are still counting the votes in Florida, especially after reading Bill Hill's "Why Do I Wanna Be a Republican?" column.
All the references to moron, cokehead, half-wit, etc. made it sound like Mr. Hill was basing his article on personal knowledge, because he did not mention one concrete example for his personal attacks.
Instead he relied on lazy journalism and personal shots at his President. He argued that President Bush embarrasses Republicans and that the only reason Republicans voted for the man was because he was not Bill Clinton.
Yet, the only grounds Mr. Hill based his argument against President Bush were founded on his public speaking style and his laugh.
Moreover, a large portion of Mr. Hill's viewpoint was based on a conversation with one Republican friend. Yet, he later blanketed his friend's statements to refer to the entire Republican Party.
Perhaps they could offer me some deep insight. While most Republicans applaud the formality and reverence President Bush is trying to bring back to the Oval Office, his policies have Republicans most excited.
So as a Republican, I will stand up and say I am proud of President Bush. I voted for him because I want a smaller government, a tax cut, better foreign policy, and for schools to be held responsible for the results they are putting out.
If Mr. Hill wants to attack a policy decision, that's his job and I will read his article accordingly.
But his latest piece did nothing but undermine any credibility he had. Adam Whitten 2nd Year Law Student Durham