Without our right-wing leader, how will we maintain our post-Civil War mentality? Folks, your reputation as an N.C. voter is at stake. Who will preserve our 30-year voting tradition as racist, sexist, uneducated nationalists who tote guns alongside Bibles?
However, we mustn't worry about what the nation thinks of us at times like these. Instead we should celebrate Jesse's fine accomplishments with genuine farcical accolades and kudos.
Sen. Helms will be deeply missed here in Chapel Hill. After all, it was he who once praised UNC students with his overtly Southern charm.
When officials searched for the state zoological site, Helms suggested putting a fence around Chapel Hill and charging admission.
That fence would have been a nice addition to our stone walls. Next time you refer to a fellow Tar Heel as a dog, just remember we could've put them on exhibit, even made a little cash.
As a lovely reminder of Chapel Hill's longstanding relationship with Helms, check out Fodor's description of UNC and the town -- we're immortalized as a bunch of animals. Damn shame we lost that zoo to Asheboro.
For some, the name Jesse Helms brings one word to mind -- sex. Helms has a strong, hard record when it comes to sex.
In 1996 Helms raised hell over International Planned Parenthood Foundation's efforts to teach Haitians about population control (read: condoms). Think he halted the program because of his staunch pro-life views? No, not this time. In a letter to then Secretary of State Madeline Albright, he demanded an end to funding "any group whose programs include producing material intended to be used in a voodoo ceremony."
That's right, voodoo.