While it may be true that Sen. Jesse Helms has been a symbol of conservatism for the past 6 years, it is my personal belief that conservatism is needed now more than ever before.
Mr. Slagle suggested in his Thursday column that "it's time we stopped fighting the future and joined it," but I would caution against such an action.
Now granted, the future looks great on the surface.
Advances in medicine have cured and saved thousands if not more; technology has revolutionized the way we do business and live our lives.
And that is just the beginning, but even now our technology is advancing so rapidly that humanity cannot catch up. With the advent of genetics, humanity now possesses, what most religions would consider, "god-like" powers.
In the near future, we will be able to mold humans as we see fit, which a proposition that is very frightening.
That is unless we take the steps now to slow down humanity's technological growth.
Without a moral or ethical code to guide humanity in how to use this awesome technology, the result would be similar to giving a small child a loaded handgun.
This step of establishing some form of morals or ethics is paramount in any new advances that we, as humanity, make. Otherwise, we may find ourselves in nightmare years from now with no way of waking up.