With classes just beginning, Spring Break seems to be a far-off prospect.
But only a short amount of time passes until throngs of UNC students hit the islands, hedonistically revel and let naughtiness run rampant in the Caribbean streets.
A week later, with fabulous tans and a few extra "What have I done?" anecdotes, UNC students return to Chapel Hill -- and to normalcy. But all abide by the rule, "Whatever happened at Spring Break stays there."
But Zoom Culture, a Chapel Hill-based media company, brought "whatever happened" back to Chapel Hill and put it on film.
"People say what goes on in Jamaica stays in Jamaica, but we got it all," said Marty Lasferty, president and CEO of Zoom Culture. "We were incredibly fortunate to capture the stories we did."
The company releases the fruits of its labor, aptly titled "Spring Break," at 7 p.m. tonight at the Lumina Theater. A premiere party is scheduled at Top of the Hill following the screening, and the film's $3 admission also fronts one drink at the after-party.
Filming the trials of several Spring Breakers, "Spring Break" is part of Zoom Culture's ongoing "Digital Diaries" series, Lasferty said. The diaries are meant to chronicle youth's various stages and rites of passage, and Lasferty added that "Spring Break" is a logical extension of that series.
And due to the nature of this particular rite of passage, Lasferty said the film, currently not rated, will receive an R for several adult themes that are present in the film.