As an upstanding citizen of this great blessed nation and a devoted constituent, I hope you are enjoying your vacation. I hear Texas is quite warm this time of year, but I would never know because like the average American "9 to 5er" I've always been bogged down with menial pursuits like work or school.
I am in awe of a leader who can enjoy a cool lemonade with the global political situation heating up like a cow's ass on your ranch in Crawford, Texas in the dead heat of summer.
Word has it Laura perfected her lemonade recipe after her top-notch Alabama Slammer shots were no longer politically correct. I don't think anyone would disagree with me when I say that lemonade and brownies are the foundation of solid family values in this great nation (I'm sure her brownies aren't like the ones you and I ate in college though).
Seriously. Taking four weeks of vacation during our nation's most serious economic stagnation since your father was president sends out an unique message (and one I actually agree with) -- a life of extravagant comfort will heal all.
I don't know how you got a hold of my very raison d'etre. Nor do I know how you are able to convince a production-oriented nation that this is the Viagra to our economic impotence.
Liberal baby-boomers and middle-class America have good reason to be concerned about your apparent lack of enthusiasm towards revitalizing the country's economy.
That's what the naysayers claim, but I agree with the ten-gallon capped hero of the "Big Lebowski" when he says, "I like your style, dude."
That's right, so much so that I think you'd like my style too.
This is why I'd like to take the place of one of your daughters and follow in your footsteps -- by attending Harvard's Business School, your alma mater, with your blessing and your esteemed recommendation. As a student I can empathize wholeheartedly with your daughters. Jenna, Barbara and I all share the great burden of following in the immense footsteps of our fathers and grandfathers.