But Chapel Hill Town Manager Cal Horton said there is no need for new public parking downtown because existing lots have plenty of open spaces daily.
"There is no proposal to expand public parking at this time, nor is there a clearly demonstrated need," he said.
Some students, like junior biology major Mark Dodson, disagree, claiming they have to resort to illegal measures just to park on Franklin Street. "I always find myself parking in illegal spots," he said. "If you get a ticket, then you pay for it."
Dan Hunt, manager of the Trail Shop located at 308 W. Franklin St., said the inconvenient location of the lots contributes to illegal parking on Franklin Street.
"You can always find parking in the deck, but people are lazy and don't want to walk the five blocks, and that's a development issue on the town's part," Hunt said.
The town manages four large public lots and two smaller lots in the Franklin Street area. The two smaller lots, which collectively can accommodate less than three dozen cars, and the parking deck located on Rosemary Street, which has 50 available parking spots, are leased out privately.
Dennis Erny, general manager of Granville Towers, said he thinks students and residents often park illegally because there is a limited amount of easily accessible public parking on Franklin Street.
Erny also said he disagrees with the town's practice of leasing spaces in public lots to private companies. Half of the town's third lot, located on the corner of West Franklin Street across from Michael Jordan's Restaurant -- 23, is used for public parking and the other half is leased out by a local company for employee use.
"There's nowhere to park in downtown that's convenient," Erny said. "If the city is trying to alleviate parking problems, than why are they renting (public lots) out?"