The forum, sponsored by the Faculty Council, Employee Forum and student government, detailed proposed campus expansion and its impact on the community during the next eight to 10 years.
While some residents and town officials were pleased with UNC's presentation, others felt officials were not prepared to answer all questions.
"I don't think they answered a lot of questions," said Alice Teich, a junior environmental studies major. "They didn't have the right statistics at their fingertips."
The forum focused on UNC's plans for housing expansion and renovation in addition to explaining how the University will absorb increased traffic from additional construction -- a strategy outlined in the University's Development Plan.
The Development Plan is part of the University's Master Plan, a 50-year blueprint for campus growth. The Development Plan, if passed by the Chapel Hill Town Council on Oct. 3, will add 5.9 million square feet to the campus' existing 14 million square feet of building space.
Diana McDuffee, a member of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen, attended the forum and said she was pleased that University officials addressed the pressure students moving off-campus has placed on the community.
"Carrboro is already one of the most densely populated towns in North Carolina," McDuffee said. "This is because there are many apartment complexes with students living in them."
The Development Plan calls for four new residence halls already under construction along Manning Drive, construction of new student family housing and renovation of Odum Village, UNC's student family housing.
Sue Kitchen, vice chancellor for student affairs, said renovation of Odum Village is necessary to house undergraduates while South Campus' high-rise residence halls are updated to meet fire safety standards.