I'm a sophomore this year, still majoring in indecision. You have to love how the University puts "Undecided" on every single record they have on you. They might as well just brand it into my forehead or paint a scarlet U on my chest.
Just in case you all don't remember, last year I authored a somewhat inane, rarely coherent, but always amusing weekly advice column that ran exclusively at www.dailytarheel.com.
I can hear the voices now ... "The Daily Tar Heel has a Web site?" That is correct. That is CO-RRECT! Hey Chad, pick up the cordless! Sorry, I digress ...
But now, thanks to the popularity of last year's column (I don't know how that happened) you no longer have to log on to read my column. It will appear right here every Monday in all its glory.
However, my column will still remain on the DTH Online. So those of you reading this on the Internet from the comfort of your own rooms, I will still be there as well. As the first DTH Online columnist, I must remember my roots.
Just because I'm crossing over to the print side doesn't mean I'll disappear from the Internet. You will be able to find all my columns from this year and last year on the Community Section at www.dailytarheel.com/community/ after its relaunch later this semester.
Anyway, the inner workings of my column are pretty simple. For those of you who have never read "Dear Abby" and the like, (don't worry, I don't read them either) here's how this works: You send your problems, questions, concerns and rants to me at the e-mail address below. Then, I will put your question in my column, along with my own advice, answers, solutions and rants.
Granted I'm no guru of life, the universe and everything. But over my 19 years, I have collected my fair share of experience. And I would like to help others out as much as I can. Those who can't help themselves, help others, right? Or is it the other way around ... ?
I don't have to publish your question in the column if you don't want me to, but I promise that I WILL answer every question. We can change the names of the innocent (or the guilty) if need be. Or I can just respond to you without your question ever showing up in the column. I promise I won't talk about you with my friends. Much.