Kyle Ayers Gardner was placed under arrest by the Chapel Hill police after the accident Friday night for driving while intoxicated before he was taken to UNC Hospitals. Hospital officials said Gardner died around 12 a.m. Sunday.
The accident happened just east of Boundary Street on Franklin Street at 11:05 p.m. Friday night, police reports state.
Gardner was driving east on Franklin Street in a blue four-door Ford when he crossed into oncoming traffic, said Chapel Hill Police Chief Gregg Jarvies. Reports state that Gardner drove off the road and hit a tree at about 25 miles per hour.
Police reports state that Gardner was thrown from the car, so police were unable to determine if he had been wearing either a shoulder or lap seat belt, said Jane Cousins, spokeswoman for the Chapel Hill Police Department. No information about Gardner's blood alcohol content was available Monday.
Four other people in the vehicle also were admitted to UNC Hospitals that night.
A 17-year-old Durham female was admitted with disabling injuries and was reported to be in fair condition on Monday. She was wearing both her lap and shoulder seat belts, reports state.
Reports also state that a 16-year-old Durham female was admitted with disabling injuries. A UNC Hospitals official said she was in critical condition on Monday. She was not wearing either seat belt, police records state.
Ethan Warner of 2011 Bayleaf Drive in Durham was admitted with disabling injuries to UNC Hospitals. Warner, who was wearing both seat belts, was listed in fair condition on Monday.
A second 16-year-old Durham female also was in the vehicle. Police reports state that she was admitted to the hospital with evident injuries. A UNC Hospitals official said Monday that she was no longer at the hospital. The girl was wearing only her lap belt, reports state.