In light of terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania, ACC officials decided Wednesday to postpone UNC's home football game against Southern Methodist University, a main feature of Family Weekend.
"We're continuing with Family Weekend with or without the ball game," said Sheila Hrdlicka, parents' programs coordinator. Other activities planned include informational seminars for parents, concerts, a barbecue and a brunch.
Hrdlicka said 1,500 tickets have been sold to parents who planned to attend the game, adding that all money for tickets will be refunded.
Although Tuesday's attacks stopped the game, they have not dampened parents' eagerness to take part this weekend. Hrdlicka said the Carolina Parents' Association received 50 registrations between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Sue Kitchen, vice chancellor for student affairs, said families' desire for closeness was why administrators opted not to cancel the event. "We're keenly aware that this is a time for families to want to be together," Kitchen said.
But the Federal Aviation Administration had not yet reopened airports Wednesday night, meaning some parents might be unable to make it to UNC. "I'm sure some people won't be able to attend because they can't get to the campus," said Melissa Jessen, chairwoman of the Family Weekend committee.
Kitchen encouraged parents to expand their definition of family for the weekend. "I'd like to suggest a new meaning for Family Weekend," she said. "I ask you to look around and find that person who is a part of the Carolina family and include them in your activities this weekend."
But some events other than the football game planned for the weekend have been affected by the attacks. The Slavic language department is considering altering its performance scheduled for Saturday night, said Beth Holmgren, chairwoman of the Slavic languages and literature department. "Some students are just worrying about their relatives," she said.
But most of this weekend's events are still planned. "We've registered 750 parents and families, and they're not just bringing themselves," Hrdlicka said. "We're promoting this not just as parents' weekend, but Family Weekend."
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