As coordinator for the Local Events Listserv, the Chapel Hill resident compiles a calendar and other information for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
Coming-out support groups, AIDS awareness activities and social gatherings at local night clubs are some of the events listed.
Quirk said he knows there is a tremendous need for the listserv because of his experience when he came to Chapel Hill two years ago.
"When I moved here, I wanted to meet people," Quirk said. "I really wanted to know what was going on. The calendar fills that void."
Founded in 1999, the listserv was the brainchild of UNC graduate student Glenn Grossman. Since taking over the listserv for Grossman in July 2000, Quirk said he has seen it grow in content and audience.
"The biggest change I have seen over two years is that the number of events has increased," he said. "It has really gained in popularity."
In order to keep himself abreast of developments in the LGBT community, Quirk subscribes to several community listservs like those circulated by UNC's Queer Network for Change and similar groups at local universities.
The weekly update keeps people informed about events throughout the Triangle with an emphasis on Chapel Hill.
But Quirk's personal concerns extend far beyond Friday nights on Franklin Street.